Intellectually stimulating weekend!
Wow, I feel smarter after this weekend, a nice change! 8-)
1) It was excellent to bust out 2 instrument approaches AND a hold in Justice's Frasca 142 sim w/ CFI Sean. A Simulator is SO DANG intense, I and many other pilots have a love/hate relationship with it. A sim wants CONSTANT pilot input, it is calibrated thusly, MUCH harder to fly than a plane in real life. The bonus is, once you get in the real plane, it is much easier! Finally by the end of 1.3 hours I was doing nice small changes and holding heading and altitude and doing manuevers well, and had a big grin rather than a grimace!
2) Enjoyed attending the dual physics lectures at UCLA Hillel w/ K. These got me back in physics information mode, after no colloquia at our USC campus for the past few months, since it is summer.
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