LIGA April 08 Clinic!

Wow! I just got to be part of the April volunteer weekend down in El Fuerte (and environs, some went to El Carrizo, some to San Blas), Sinoloa, Mexico, with LIGA, The Flying Doctors of Mercy.
AMAZING volunteers.
I am in awe.
Got in 5.1 hours of flight time in trusty N7598S (AKA CF98S - compassion flight) with Robin and Tony. We flew Amal, a Med Student, down to help.
Also got in about 9 hours of support work in the clinic pharmacy! I backed up the local (orig. American), Spanish-fluent psychotherapist who subbed on patient services for the pharamacist, who's plane had mechanical problems and had to turn around. I also provided meds for the docs, and did lots of PDR research all day long as I sorted and shelved and labeled donated meds.
Our La Choza Hotel was lovely and the service was great.
I will be going back!
Labels: flying volunteers LIGA El-Fuerte